Thursday, August 27, 2020

The fun they had Essay Example

The great they had Paper The occasions of this story occur in far off future, 2157. There are no genuine schools here, the books imprinted on paper are supplanted by screen books and human instructors are supplanted by mechanical ones. The legend of this story Tommy once finds a bizarre book where words are static. This book depicts a school from hundreds of years sooner, where kids used to accumulate in one huge structure to be instructed by a genuine individual. Edge, Tommys more youthful companion, is extremely inquisitive, however her mom calls her since it is the ideal opportunity for school, where she will be educated by a robot. In this way, the issue brought by the creator up in this content is about current innovations and their impact on individuals. The concentrate is written as the third individual portrayal, the storyteller doesnt take part in the activities however has a deep understanding of the characters. The portrayal here is joined with exchange which takes the most piece of the story. The general inclination is expressive and somewhat wistful. Resonance in the story is somewhat splendid and enthusiastic as here is shown the correspondence of the kids. From the perspective of its sythesis this content might be vided into four sections: article, plot-improvement, peak and conclusion. In drawing the fundamental characters the creator resorts to the aberrant technique for portrayal. The creator portions ; t state what the characters resemble, they are uncovered through their exchanges, activities and musings. Tommy is multi year old kid who leaves an impression of genuine and inquisitive youngster. However, in his discoursed with Margin he appears to be very haughty. He discovers his prevalence in the realities that he is more seasoned, cleverer and in addition he is the person who discovered their little fortune a genuine book. We will compose a custom exposition test on The great they had explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The great they had explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The pleasant they had explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Concerning multi year old Margin she additionally is by all accounts inquisitive and keen and her disappointment with the tests in topography is brought about by her negative mentality to the advanced method of instructing. The initial segment of the story is somewhat little and it expresses the Tommys revelation of the book. At that point comes plot improvement where this book is depicted. The words stopped in it as opposed to moving like on a screen. The roundabout sound to word imitation  «crinkly pagesâ » underlines its vestige. Tommy ; s doublespeak  «Gee » gives us his wonder about this disclosure. At the point when Margin becomes more acquainted with that it s about school she gets disdainful as she detests school. The equal developments  «Margin consistently abhorred school, yet now she detested it more than everâ »,  «test after test in topography and she had been doing more regrettable and worseâ » accentuate her aggravation towards the mechanical instructor. It is obviously diverges from the County Inspector who comes to fix it. He was a round little man who grinned at Margin, tapped her head, gave her an apple and dismantled the contemptuous instructor. The degree enormous ND dark and terrible again focuses on Margin s demeanor towards the mechanical instructor and her reluctance to be educated by it. So she asks Tommy for what reason would anybody expound on the school. Tommy takes a gander at her with exceptionally prevalent eyes, this sobriquet and his everyday inept, his reference to Margin, demonstrates the kid s presumption. He answers this is old sort of school where an educator was t ordinary, it was a man. What's more, here the story arrives at its peak. Edge is extremely shocked about it, she says that a man sin t sufficiently keen and that she portions t need an abnormal man in her home. Tommy shouts with giggling, that shows his demeanor again and educates Margin concerning exceptional structures where children were instructed together. Edge is astounded pretty much this realities and needs to understand more. The end result comes when Margin ;s mother calls her to go to class. In the study hall the young lady ponders the children of the old sorts of schools, about the great they had and we can see that she truly begrudges them. By utilizing casual jargon, everyday words and short basic sentences the creator draws the characters of the kids and makes unconstrained state of mind.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

princess margret :: essays research papers

English princess. Brought into the world August 21, 1930, at Glamis Castle in Scotland, as the second little girl of King George VI of the United Kingdom (who governed from 1937 to his demise in 1952) and sister of Queen Elizabeth II (1952- - ). In the mid 1950s, the sentiment between Margaretâ€then third in line to the seat after her sister’s two youngsters, Charles and Anneâ€and Group Captain Peter Townsend, a profoundly adorned World War II military pilot and ongoing divorcã ©, caused a serious outrage both inside and outside of the British imperial family. As the Church of England doesn't remarry divorcã ©sâ€a truth made very paramount to the Windsor family by the abandonment of Margaret’s uncle, Edward VIII, in 1936â€Margaret was told she could wed Townsend just in the event that she surrendered her case to the seat and her regal salary and in the event that she would live abroad for a long time. In a discourse communicate to the country in October 1955, Margaret freely disavowed her relationship with Townsend, who later wedded Marie-Luce Jamagne, whom he met while filling in as Air Attachã © to Brussels. Townsend saw the princess just twice more, once in 1958 and again in 1993, when he was welcome to the Royal Palace. He kicked the bucket in 1995. Seen as the â€Å"black sheep† of the regal family, Margaret along these lines went into a wild 18-year union with another plebeian, the picture taker Antony Armstrong-Jones (who became Earl of Snowdon). The two wedded in 1960 and had two youngsters, David (Viscount Linley) and Sarah. In spite of the fact that both Margaret and her significant other were unfaithful during their marriage, the imperial family opposed the possibility of a partition as very shocking. At last, after newspaper photos surfaced indicating Margaret with her most recent fire, Roddy Llewellyn, Snowdon’s demand for a separation was allowed; he remarried five months after the fact. Margaret proceeded with her relationship with Llewellynâ€a nursery worker and hopeful pop artist 17 years her juniorâ€for seven years, every now and again protecting his frequently wild conduct. As the disturbance encompassing her private life died down, Margaret kept on showing up for the Girl Guides Associationâ€she now fills in as president and director of the organizationâ€and various different foundations. princess margret :: papers look into papers English princess. Brought into the world August 21, 1930, at Glamis Castle in Scotland, as the second little girl of King George VI of the United Kingdom (who administered from 1937 to his demise in 1952) and sister of Queen Elizabeth II (1952- - ). In the mid 1950s, the sentiment between Margaretâ€then third in line to the seat after her sister’s two youngsters, Charles and Anneâ€and Group Captain Peter Townsend, an exceptionally improved World War II military pilot and late divorcã ©, caused a serious outrage both inside and outside of the British illustrious family. As the Church of England doesn't remarry divorcã ©sâ€a reality made very important to the Windsor family by the surrender of Margaret’s uncle, Edward VIII, in 1936â€Margaret was told she could wed Townsend just in the event that she surrendered her case to the seat and her imperial salary and on the off chance that she would live abroad for a long time. In a discourse communicate to the country in October 1955, Margaret freely revoked her relationship with Townsend, who later wedded Marie-Luce Jamagne, whom he met while filling in as Air Attachã © to Brussels. Townsend saw the princess just twice more, once in 1958 and again in 1993, when he was welcome to the Royal Palace. He kicked the bucket in 1995. Seen as the â€Å"black sheep† of the illustrious family, Margaret along these lines went into a wild 18-year union with another everyday person, the picture taker Antony Armstrong-Jones (who became Earl of Snowdon). The two wedded in 1960 and had two kids, David (Viscount Linley) and Sarah. Despite the fact that both Margaret and her better half were unfaithful during their marriage, the regal family opposed the possibility of a division as awfully shameful. At last, after newspaper photos surfaced demonstrating Margaret with her most recent fire, Roddy Llewellyn, Snowdon’s demand for a separation was conceded; he remarried five months after the fact. Margaret proceeded with her relationship with Llewellynâ€a nursery worker and hopeful pop vocalist 17 years her juniorâ€for seven years, every now and again safeguarding his regularly wild conduct. As the unrest encompassing her private life died down, Margaret kept on showing up for the Girl Guides Associationâ€she now fills in as president and executive of the organizationâ€and various different causes.

Friday, August 21, 2020

What to Write Your College Essay On

What to Write Your College Essay OnIn college, you'll be studying subjects that cover a wide range of topics, and you'll find yourself constantly looking for what to write your college essay on. Although you may be initially overwhelmed with the thought of all the subjects you'll need to cover, you should realize that with a little time and effort, you can eventually narrow down your choices and find what to write your college essay on.If you've decided what to write your college essay on, then the next step is to take a moment to get organized. This will help you avoid possible writing problems before they even occur. In addition, it will also allow you to stay focused on your objective, which is to write a good essay.It's a common assumption that college essays are written by students for the purpose of winning an essay contest. Although this is an appropriate goal, it's also important to note that no matter how popular essay contests may be, they won't be able to ensure that what to write your college essay on will be anything other than what you want it to be. You will have to put in the effort, regardless of whether you're writing an essay for the purpose of winning an essay contest or a college essay for your own personal enjoyment. If you haven't already done so, now is the perfect time to begin.One of the biggest obstacles that students face when writing their first college essay is coming up with ideas for the topic. Of course, this doesn't mean that you need to come up with ideas out of thin air, but rather, that you should already have some sense of the type of topics that you'd like to cover.Having a specific idea in mind helps you to avoid feeling as though you need to worry about creating an interesting topic. By not worrying about creating an interesting topic, you avoid putting yourself in a state of creative paralysis, which can be frustrating for students who don't know what to write their college essay on. In addition, it can be very helpful to choose topics that you enjoy, which will keep you motivated as you write.Now that you've decided what to write your college essay on, the next step is to take a moment to consider your essay topics. The reason for this is because topics change over time. Themes will be more popular in the first few semesters of college, but as the years go by, there will be less interest in these topics, while others will be much more popular.So when it comes to writing your college essay, don't feel like you have to stick to the same topics that you originally chose. Rather, you should also be able to incorporate some of the topics that are more popular at the time.Keep in mind that what to write your college essay on depends entirely on your own desires. If you're simply having fun, or if you are putting together an essay to help you get into college, then you may want to focus on different topics, while if you are looking to win an essay contest, then the focus should be on writing a good essa y.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Impact of the American Civil War - 869 Words

The American civil war was an important event in the history of United States. It changed the internal structure of American society and had a greater impact than the revolution. The basis of the civil war was due to slavery. It overthrew the once dominated planter elite politically and its slaveholding class. During early decades of the nineteen-century the planters of American south were not about to follow the path of gradual emancipation that the northern states had raged. The economies of the south and north, continues to go in opposing directs. By 1791, they were already producing 2 millions of pounds of cotton that made British textile industry to have a vast appetite for cotton corp. That made the North and South profit from†¦show more content†¦While colonists in the South learned to use slaves on plantations, the colonists in the north learned different skills. Although slavery was not an important to thr way of life in the North it did exist in the south. In year 1607, a small band of English colonists founded the first permanent settlement in America at Jamestown, Virginia. They did not plan to own slaves even though many thousands of African slaves were already working in the New England. Also, hundreds thousands of American Salves worked on Sugar plantations and in mines owned by Spanish and Portuguese colonists in the Caribbean islands and South America. Jamestown, colonists hoped to get rich by discovering gold as the Spanish had done in Mexico. They did not find gold but the did find a climate that was good for growing crops, such as tobacco that they would sell later to England. After twelve years, Jamestown was founded; a Dutch ship brought the first African to Virginia. And they start working on tobacco plantations. Some historians say that these first Africans in America were indentured servants rather than slaves. On the other hand, some had argued that English plantation owners used the term servant rather than the term slave. In 1641, the first English colony in America to consider slavery a legal institution and a Virginia court in 1663 ruled that the children born to slave mothers would themselvesShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Industrialization On The American Civil War966 Words   |  4 PagesWith the end of the American Civil War in 1865, revolutionary changes arose, and the upsurge of industrial influences entered the United States. Many found this as a way to raise production, build growth, and increase currency. Although this built much success for the United States after the Civil War, the new industrial elite changed the lives of many, such as the nonwhite, factory workers, and Midwestern farmers. The changes caused many to recognize the abundance of goods and rights they have.Read MoreImpact Of The Civil War On African Americans860 Words   |  4 PagesThe Civil War was a massive milestone in American History. This war started in 1861 and lasted four years. It was between the Union and the Confeder acy over their differences and problems they created. The consequences the nation faced due to the demolition of the Civil War, was terrifying. Then the Reconstruction era was born to restore, reinstate, and unite the United States as one. During the Reconstruction of 1865 through 1867, African American lives were impacted economically because they wereRead MoreThe American Civil War And Its Impact On American Society Essay1712 Words   |  7 Pagesmodernizing of certain sports was a function of sociopolitical shift in the nation as a whole. Much of the transformation of American sport in the second half of the nineteenth century reflected the articulation and victory of free labor ideology in the American Civil War and its development into the commercial American society which would come to dominate American society. American sport reflected the white middle class values instilled by this ideology. Women continued to be discouraged from participationRead MoreThe Battle Of The Amer ican Civil War905 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Civil war occurred about seventy-eight years after the American Revolution, and has many of the same characteristics of a revolution. In both wars, the American people fought for what they believed in and the way of life that they wished to live. However, the two wars differ from each other, as the soldiers that fought in the Civil War fought a new American Revolution that could have split the new world. The Confederate soldiers in the Civil War fought to keep their way of life withoutRead MoreThe American Civil War Essay662 Words   |  3 PagesThe Civil War was a war between the North and the South after several states in the south seceded after Lincolns Presidency. The war first started off as states rights but as the war went on and progressed the war was fighting to end slavery. African Americans had an important impact on the Civil War. There was individual African Americans who made an important impact in the civil war. For example Frederick Douglass he was known for being a escape slave and a good public speaker for his effortsRead MoreThe Second American Revolution891 Words   |  4 PagesThe Second American Revolution Thesis Statement â€Å"The Civil War may also be termed as the second American Revolution in terms of the political, social and economic changes that occurred during the war† Introduction American Civil War was fought between 1861 and 1865. The war began because President Abraham Lincoln, elected in 1860, was very persistent on preserving the Union, which was threatened by the issue of slavery. The North was growing rapidly in wealth and population, and it was clear toRead MoreThe Second American Revolution901 Words   |  4 PagesThe Second American Revolution Thesis Statement â€Å"The Civil War may also be termed as the second American Revolution in terms of the political, social and economic changes that occurred during the war† Introduction American Civil War was fought between 1861 and 1865. The war began because President Abraham Lincoln, elected in 1860, was very persistent on preserving the Union, which was threatened by the issue of slavery. The North was growing rapidly in wealth and population, and it was clearRead MoreAmericas Development1272 Words   |  5 Pagesas compared to its political, social and economic status at the end of the Civil War. The Civil War is widely recognized as a major event in the countrys historical consciousness since it played a crucial role in determining what kind of nation the United States would be. This is mainly because it resolved two essential questions and concerns that were left undetermined by the Revolution of 1776-1783. First, the Civil War helped in determining whether America would be an inseparable nation with aRead MoreTime Line 21050 Words   |  5 PagesNOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the Example Timeline Matrix document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. â€Å"Timeline Part II.† NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and conciseRead MoreFamily Life During Civil War1608 Words   |  7 PagesFamily Life During Civil War As a pivotal point in our nation’s history, the civil war holds a special fascination in the land and minds of the American people. It was a war entirely fought by Americans, often dividing families and even brothers against brothers. The American civil war was unforgettable. It was fought between the United States of America and the Southern slave states of the nearly formed confederate state of America under Jefferson Davis. The Civil War made really a tragic long

Friday, May 15, 2020

Thesis- Vocabulary - 1995 Words

EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR VOCABULARY EXPANSION CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction â€Å"The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for.† – Ludwig Wittgenstein Active communication in English is what counts in today’s globalized world. It is very important to have large deposit of words. O’Connor explained why large vocabularies characterize executives and possibly outstanding men and women in other fields. The final answer seems to be that words are the instruments by means of which men and women grasp the thoughts of others and with which they do much of their own thinking. They are the â€Å"tools of thought.† The benefits of effective†¦show more content†¦This theory states that â€Å"Human cognition is unique in that it has become specialized for dealing simultaneously with language and with non-verbal objects and events. Moreover, the language system is peculiar in that deals directly with linguistic input and output (in the form of speech or writing) while at the same time serving a symbolic function with respect to non-verbal objects, events, and behaviors. Any representational theory must accommodate this dual functionality.† Dual-coding theory complements a dual-route theory of reading. When people read written information, dual-route theory contends that the readers access orthographic and phonological information to recognize words in the writing. The theory assumes that there are two cognitive subsystems, one specialized for the representation and processing of non-verbal objects/events (i.e. imagery), and the other specialized for dealing with language. Dual-coding theory identified three types of processing: (1) representational, the direct activation of verbal or non-verbal representations. (2) referential, the activation of the verbal system by the non-verbal system or vice versa and (3) associative processing, the activation of representations within the same verbal or non-verbal system. A given task may require any or a ll of the three kinds of processing. Formalization of the theory of dual-coding isShow MoreRelatedMajor Functional Styles of English11680 Words   |  47 Pagespublicist sub-styles of the so-called †informational style† Functional style as a historical category. The style of poetry in the English language in the epoch of classicism (17th -18th centuries) with special norms of poetic language – the choice of vocabulary, morphological forms and syntactic construction. The priority of abstract, bookish, high-flown words ( ardours, glories abundance of stylistic devices, archaic grammatical forms (thee, thy, doth, etc.), perfect regularity of rhyming, rhythmicRead MoreLe Management Interculturel de Sylvie Chevrier1999 Words   |  8 Pagesbibliography (from page 123 to 126) and finally a table of contents at the end of the book (page 127). The book is written in French and can be found in the collection  «Que sais-je? » at the Presses Universitaires de Fran ce editions (known also as Puf). Thesis The goal of the author is to delineate the field of intercultural management and to clarify its content for the reader. Strategies 1. Construction * Introduction The introduction of the book is longer than the conclusion. IndeedRead MorePenn Foster Journal Enteries3050 Words   |  13 Pagesloud, helps overcome the difficulties I may face regarding the medium of which information is presented. One way I would like to improve as a writer, is being able to express my ideas creatively in writing. The second way would be to expand my vocabulary and spelling, as I find I have become useless without spell check. Being bilingual, I actually spell better in my second language than my native one. September 28, 2011 -Entry 2: PREWRITING Brainstorming: Ways computers with friends 1. ProfessionalRead MoreGraduate Writing Center: Writing Thesis and Dissertation Proposals7304 Words   |  30 PagesWriting a Thesis or Dissertation Proposal 1 Writing Thesis and Dissertation Proposals The Graduate Writing Center of the Center for Excellence in Writing Overview: This workshop will introduce basic principles of writing proposals across a range of disciplines. It will present practical strategies, and it will include examples of successful proposals. Goals 1. To introduce strategies for bridging the gap between coursework/beginning research and thesis writing. 2. To help you understand theRead MoreOoiujigvy Ytu Ftyoyugo Y1323 Words   |  6 Pagesintroduction after they have written the body of the essay. Body Paragraphs There should be one body paragraph for each major supporting detail. Each individual paragraph should be focused on just ONE of your major supporting details that support your thesis. Begin paragraphs with topic sentences, support assertions with evidence, and expound your ideas in the clearest, most sensible way you can. Speak to your reader as if he or she were sitting in front of you. TIP# 3 — Remember to use addition wordsRead MoreThe Veldt, By George And Lydia Hadley1185 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction hook transition thesis Appropriate hook captures readers’ attention and is connected to thesis Exact title of work and author stated Transition effectively connects hook to thesis Thesis is arguable and specific; avoids stating a fact or the obvious; clearly previews the main points Hook captures readers’ attention and is vaguely connected to thesis Transition connects hook to thesis Hook is attempted and vaguely connected to thesis but not compelling Title of workRead MoreLearning A Whole New Language And Culture Halfway Through Sixth Grade Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pagesespecially faculty members, seemed even more arduous. Thus, my vocabulary range is not as wide as most other people that speaks English as their first language. This can be shown in the first paper I have written titled â€Å"Faster or Stronger† for the course â€Å"Eng101 English Composition I† instructed by Martha J. Nagel. In this paper, there was a lot of repetition by using the same words multiple times throughout the essay to emphasize the thesis (Wangadi). This type of repetition can cause readers to becomeRead MoreACOM 103essay Plan 1239 Words   |  5 Pagesand contrast a more traditional approach to weight loss, such as a healthy diet and exercise, with a surgical procedure used for the purposes of losing weight. Which is more effective in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight? INTRODUCTION Thesis statement: This essay will focus on comparing and contrasting whether a traditional method to weight loss or a surgical approach such as bariatric surgery is better for human health and suggest that ,considering the long term health condition,theRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Writing1565 Words   |  7 Pageswill continue to change in the expanse of the semester and the remainder of my college career. Through the feedback of Professor Valley and my Writing Fellow, Emily, I have improved in my writing through including more specific details, stronger vocabulary, improved organization, and being able to better identify problems in my own writing. Before entering college, I was completely new to writing papers. I knew how to write my thoughts down but not how to explain them. In a research paper, I wouldRead MoreHow I Learned Changed My Life849 Words   |  4 Pagesand sentence structures, repetition of the same words, it is unorganized and I cut my ideas short. A lot of the strategies I’ve learned throughout the course could have been put to use in the essay. I said my weaknesses were grammar and writing a thesis statement. I said that my strength was descriptive writing. I believe I’ve improved on those elements, but also discovered new weaknesses that I have worked on over the weeks to improve and understand better. To start, there were a lot of errors

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Vision For My Future Classroom - 989 Words

My Vision My vision for my future classroom is to create an atmosphere where each individual feels accepted and valued. It is my goal to discover ways to make learning innovative, enjoyable, creative, and rewarding. I will strive to discover my strengths, then use them to empower my students. Hopefully this leads to positive outcomes within each student and transforms the way my classroom operates. I would love to teach elementary level students, preferably grades 1-3, because that is my passion. In this type of classroom, I would teach the basics of every subject for that grade. I believe that I would excel with the variety that this role has to offer. I am open to teaching anywhere and in any type of school, due to the fact my education was both in public and parochial schools. If possible, I will use technology to enhance my teaching. I would love to incorporate technology into my classroom because it makes learning more efficient, increases student creativity, and creates endless learning possibilities by giving every student a customizable learning experience. Basic Information Splash Math is an app that helps kids review, improve, and refine their personal math skills. The basic app month trail is free, but if parents and teachers wish to use the app longer they must pay a monthly or annual rate. Also a teacher or parent account must be created before the child is allowed to play the app. However, this can be beneficial because adults may create individual profilesShow MoreRelatedEssay on Mission and Vision Statement897 Words   |  4 Pages Mission and Vision Statement Mission Statement: As an educator I will provide for students the opportunity to make a positive difference in their lives to help them accomplish unexpected goals. I will enhance learning to support my students in achieving their highest potential by integrating technology into the curriculum. I will integrate conceptual technology learning techniques that will implement concrete knowledge of technology that will emphasize mastery of understanding. Through committedRead MoreMy Journey As An Elementary School Teacher910 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout my journey as an elementary school teacher, I have worked at two different schools within the same school district. Although these schools’ had similar demographics, there was a major difference in the school environment. Seeing the vast difference between the school cultures, I developed my educational philosophy on the positives and negatives that I saw within each school. Analyzing my personal practical theories, it came apparent to me that all my theories came back to enabling theRead MoreEssay on My Technology Integration Vision922 Words   |  4 Pagesfield-based activities from the UAS program and my ongoing professional activities, I have developed a shared vision for the comprehensive integration of technology. Technology integration has been my priority focus academically and professionally. As I have developed a classroom environment conducive to the realization of my technology integration vision, I have shared my vision with families and educators in my school, district, and state. My interest in technology integration began as IRead MoreLeadership Qualities Of A Leader911 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout my 12 years of teaching, I have encountered many leaders, some great and some with subpar abilities to lead. While I always strive to maintain a consistently high level of teaching each year, I know my teaching level and skills definitely increased under great leadership. Skills I obtained while working with great leaders has provided me with knowledge that I have been able to retain and utilize when relocating from one location of the country to another. Good Leader During my five yearsRead More A Labor of Love Essay974 Words   |  4 Pagesteacher, my goals are to motivate children to become lifelong learners, inspire them to never give up on their ambitions, while providing them with a solid academic foundation. Only then will my professional objectives be achieved. When exploring educational philosophies, it became very apparent that it is a highly debatable and extremely personal decision. My educational philosophy is an eclectic blending of each of the philosophies, along with my individual principles and vision. ProverbsRead MoreA Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay1164 Words   |  5 Pageslearning environment supporting engagement and motivation of the learner. This paper describes a specific academia’s mission and vision and why it resonates with me. This paper also explores my personal philosophy of education, ascertaining the learning theory I identify with the most. Mission and Vision of Duke University School of Nursing The mission and vision of Duke University School of Nursing emphasizes educational excellence and academic innovation (Duke University School of Nursing,Read MoreMy Volunteer Service At Fallbrook Church1062 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership cannot be defined by just one word, but by action. I have seen development within myself through my volunteer service. Leadership is both a research area and a practical opportunity to share the ability gained as an individual, also through my organizations to lead or guide other individual team members who have a common goal. Volunteering in the church organizations matches my need to be of service to others. While volunteer at Fallbrook church I in return have been served I have beenRead MoreInstructional Speech : Teaching And Learning1049 Words   |  5 PagesAs I finished my internship, I had the opportunity to interview my principal, Dr. Travis Graham to get his thoughts his role as the instructional leader of Hollister High School on Tuesda y, September 8, 2015. 1. How do you promote teacher and student learning in their school as the administrator of instructional programs, in effect, the principal is the instructional leader? Dr. Graham likes to keep things simple in regards creating an atmosphere that promotes teaching and learning. He believesRead MoreMy Motivation For My Faculty772 Words   |  4 PagesAs I continue working through my vision in my building, I want to continue to mirror to my faculty the importance that educators not focus on â€Å"changing† the child, but rather supporting the development of positive characteristics that will enhance the child’s future options in life. We can accomplish this as educators by holding all students to high standards for them to be successful upon graduation. We have to try to build them up with a certain attitude. (Follett, 2003) This attitude would includeRead MoreMy Engagement With Teach First Leadership Development Program986 Words   |  4 PagesThis portfolio seeks to critically reflect on my engagement with the Teach First Leadership Development Program (TFLDP) and how the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) offered as part o f the program has influenced my current and future classroom practice. The TFLDP is the official title given to the training program that all Teach First participants are expected to complete. The program is two years in duration, throughout which, participants are offered various forms CPD, all of which falls

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Modernism Essay Example For Students

Modernism Essay Outline1 Introduction2 The key ideas of modernism3 What is the modernist poetry?4 Conclusion Introduction Modernism is an art movement that took place at the end of 19th and in the 20th century. It denied the common forms of art, literature, architecture, social organization, religious faith, and everyday life. Modernists thought that those conventional  forms could not compete with the new conditions in the economics, politics, and society. The period of modernism movement includes the different styles that are defined as modernistic and have similar theories on different spheres of life, so lets read essay  about modernism for university and college students. The key ideas of modernism Modernists believed they could create a better world. Artists were trying to find absolutely new forms of expressing their views and feelings. This movement could serve as a great example of the series of experiments in the art. Modernism in literature started its existing by the influence of urbanization and industrialization. As a literary movement, modernism is considered to begin after World War I. The horrors of the war had weakened the people’s faith in the bases of Western society and culture and the literature of Modernism expressed this image of disappointment and disintegration. A good example of the early modernist literature is a poem The Waste Land, written by T. S. Elliot. It is full of the search for recovery and revival in the spiritually empty surroundings. Like all the others Modernist works of literature, this poem allows the reader to interpret the sense in his own way. This is the significant feature of all modernistic literature works: giving the reader the right to give his interpretation. The remarkable point in the development of Modernistic movement in literature was made by the publication Ulysses created by an Irish writer James Joyce. This novel gives the details of one day in three Dubliners’ life and does this through the use of the famous technique called stream of consciousness. This technique avoids the usual structure of the sentences and fragmentarily shows the process of the writer’s thoughts. For some scene, this novel was forbidden in the English-speaking countries for many years. Among others, writers who decided to reject the common order of narration in their works were Virginia Woolf,  Gertrude Stein, Marcel Proust,  and  William Faulkner. All of them significantly arose the topic of psychology in literature. What is the modernist poetry? Modernist poetry could be defined for its concrete imagery. One of the most significant figures that made a great influence on the development of modern poetry was W. B. Yeats. He abandoned the rhetorical poetry that was extremely important in the Victorian era. In 1910, there was found in poetry the Imagist movement. Its founders were Ezra Pound, Richard Aldington, and Hilda Dolittle. The Imagist movement accepted free rhythms and simplified language. Modernism movement was also involved in many other kinds of art including music, sculpture, architecture, and others. In music, the composers tried to use not tested before variants of tonality. Dancers replaced the established traditions with the new forms and the famous innovators in this sphere were Rudolf Laban, Émile Jaques-Dalcroze,  and  Loie Fuller. They had developed a modern dance, studying specific aspects of dance. The theatre of its time is famous for the term â€Å"Theatre of the Absurd.† This term was used to explain such plays that show the meaningless of the human’s existence and were full of illogical speeches that ended with silence. Playwrights whose plays could serve as vivid examples of the Theatre of the Absurd are Samuel Beckett,  Tom Stoppard, Daniil Kharms, and lots of others. .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a , .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .postImageUrl , .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a , .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a:hover , .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a:visited , .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a:active { border:0!important; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a:active , .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufc8e1e1a6424bb5f4a76158b923cba4a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How Historical Architecture Elements Have Been Destroyed Argumentative EssayVisual art had also influenced radical changes under the Modernism movement. The foundation of Modernism in the visual art is connected with the name of an artist Édouard Manet. He broke the established rules that were prominent to the art and changed the view on the modeling, perspective, and subject matter. There were lots of different modernist movements including avant-garde, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Futurism, Cubism, Expressionism, de Stijl, Constructivism, and Abstract Expressionism. All of these movements are different from each other having their other specific peculiarities. However, there are some points that make them similar and allow collecting them all under the term Modernism. Artists that were working in those periods were struggling to avoid the traditional notions and to make a greater focus on the color, lines, form, and other features of their work. The sculpture was involved in Modernism in a similar way. A prominent figure that is connected with the modernist sculpture is Henry Moore. His bronze monuments are famous around the world and are usually huge abstractions of human figures. He sculptured mother-and-child figures, family groups, and reclining figures each of which are characterized by hollow spaces and piercing. Among others sculptures that had world recognition were Francis Bacon, Frank Auerbach, Lucian Freud, Michael Andrews, Leon Kossoff. All of them belonged to the â€Å"London School† of the figurative painting. The similar situation was in the sphere of architecture that was also influenced by the modernist movement. Architects started radically rejecting of all the past styles that existed before the war. Actually, the development of architecture was influenced by the increasing industrialization and the list of new inventions. There appeared new building technologies and the new tendencies were defined as an international style. This style required simplified geometric shapes and plain, undecorated facades, rejecting the use of any historic elements. The examples of such styles are Le Corbusier’s and  Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s buildings, made with glass and steel. At the end of the century, this style was improved to the plain skyscrapers made with glass and huge housing complexes. Conclusion Modernism as an art movement was a reaction of abandoning the traditional forms and rejecting all the established notions. Artists expressed in their works a deep disappointment of the humankind in reality after World War I. They were struggling to find something new, radically avoiding the traditional fundamentals. In fact, it is the period of the experiments that influenced all the spheres of art. Its main focuses were the freedom of expression, radicalism, and primitivism. The authors created their works without strict purpose to tell something to their audience. In modernism, the audience is free to interpret any creature in its own way.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Assignment on Citycell Essay Example

Assignment on Citycell Essay Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited | | | |Type |Limited | |Founded |1989 | |Headquarters |8th Floor Pacific Center, 14, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka, | | |Bangladesh | |Area  served |61 districts and 470 thanas | |Key  people |Chye Hoon Pin (CEO) | |Industry |Telecommunication | |Products |Telephony, CDMA | |Parent |Singtel 45%, Pacific Motors Limited 31. 43%, Far East | | |Telecom Limited 23. 57% | |Website |www. citycell. com | About Citycell: Citycell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited) is the first mobile communications company of Bangladesh. It is the only CDMA network operator in the country. As of 31st March, 2007, Citycells total mobile subscriber base is 1. 2 million, up 137 per cent or 680,000 from a year ago, giving it the best growth rate of the company till date. Citycell is currently owned by Singtel, Pacific Group and Far East Telecom. By the end of 2007 CityCell had refurbished its old brand identity and introduced a new logo and corporate identity; the new logo is very reminiscent of the old logo. However the slogan has remained unchanged because we care. As of March, 2008 Citycell has 1. 56 million subscribers [1]. [pic]History In 1989 Bangladesh Telecom Limited (BTL) was awarded a license to operate cellular, paging, and other wireless communication networks. Then in 1990 We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment on Citycell specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment on Citycell specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment on Citycell specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hutchison Bangladesh Telecom Limited (HBTL) was incorporated in Bangladesh as a joint venture between BTL and Hutchison Telecommunications (Bangladesh) Limited. HBTL began commercial operation in Dhaka using the AMPS mobile technology in 1993 and became the 1st cellular operator in South Asia[2]. Later that year Pacific Motors bought 50% of BTL. By 1996 HBTL was renamed as Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (PBTL) and launched the brand name Citycell Digital to market its cellular products. Board of Directors: ? Chief Executive Officet-Michael Seymour ? Head of Marketing-De Anand Rajasingham ? Chief Customer Care officer-Md. Tarikul Hassan ? Chief Technology Officer- Choo Pul Hong ? Human Ressources Director-M. Zulfquar Hussain Director-Financial Control Company Secretary-Md. Tipu Sultan ? Deputy Chief Techonology-Mahfuzzur Rahman ? Head-Operations Support-Kym goldswarthy Products Offered Citycell offers prepaid, postpaid and fixed phone plans. Since Citycell operates in CDMA, RIMs are usually sold with a phone mostly cheap Chinese sets produced by ZTE, Huawei, Samsung, Motorola and Alcatel. Citycell currently has the cheapest phone+connection tariff at 1399 taka. Prepaid The current only prepaid plan is branded as Citycell One. Under this package Citycell customer can call to other Citycell users for only 25 paisa and other operators for only Tk1. 00 from 12am to 6 pm and 1. 75 Tk from 6 pm to 12. 0 am. Citycell started offering prepaid plans from 2003. It was the first to offer a prepaid plan with BTTB connectivity in the same year. During 2005-6, the company made great strides in its prepaid product offering. In 2005, it launched the Aalap Call Me plan- the first phone plan with negative tariff in the country. In this plan customers get credit added to their balance when they receive calls from other Citycell subscribers. In the same year, Citycell launched Aalap Super plan. Subscribers of this plan could make free calls to other Citycell subcribers during late night hours. This espoused numerous copycat products from its competitors. Later that year the national telecoms regulator ordered all phone companies to cease offering free call facility. In 2006, Citycell launched Hello 0123 plan. The name 0123 signified tariff of Tk 0 for calls to one Citycell number of the subcribers choice, Tk 1 for calls to two other Citycell numbers, Tk 3 for calls to all other Citycell numbers and Tk 4 for calls to all other networks. This plan was followed up with a string of other spinoff plans that continue into 2007. Postpaid The postpaid plan is branded as Citycell One. Citycell One-Zoom (High-speed wireless internet, wherever you go) Description: ? Dimensions: 88. 4mm (D)  x  54mm (W)  x  5mm (H) ? Weight: Approx. 38g ? Power consumption:

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Swot Analysis of Nike Essays

Swot Analysis of Nike Essays Swot Analysis of Nike Paper Swot Analysis of Nike Paper Strengths: Brand name recognition, because Bike has been around so long, the brand is recognized and respected both international and domestically. Brand loyalty, Nike has consistently produced quality products that appeal t its consumers both internationally and domestically. Nike carries a wide arrangement of product with a large amount of options for personal preference. Nike carries a wide arrangement of product with a large amount of options for personal preference. Strong international presence, in the event that U. S sales continue to slack off or the economy continues to worsen, they have their international investment that consistently turns a profit. They are the number one consistently turns a profit. They are the number one footwear manufacturer in nine international countries; with distribution center both international and domestically. The ad agency that they contract out to has opened three offices in three different countries in order to reach their target audience on a local level. Nike is costly trying to increases their international presence. Low manufacturing cost Nike have an on-line store where custom shoes may be purchased In such a competition environment Nike steps it up by investing a large portion of their into RD, with the formation of the Nike sport research laboratory in 1980, and the introduction of the advance product engineering department; Nike is making sure that they stay in control of their market share. There two departments ensure that Nike has new shoe styles and are constantly developing new product. Weakness: Earlier Nike shoes and apparel were being manufactured through the exploitation of child labor. The consumer response was so great that it had suffered a lot at its first, till it’s had made change its practices. Contract manufacturing of shoes to low-wage factories makes Nike susceptible to laws, and economic problems abroad. Opportunities: Product diversification, with new technology and increased earning they should be able to invest even more into R D Increase their global presence by expanding their services to countries such as Chile, Peru, Bolivia, India, Mexico, and South Africa in an attempt to serve those with the largest populations. The key is more advertising, encourage young people to purchase Nike’s even if they are not sport’ players. Increase marketing to the female consumer. Increase manufacturing of products that the new generation is interested, specifically booth and sandals. Threats: Increase competition both domestically and internationally. Change in the young consumer preference to sandals and boots. High inflation and unemployment in Asia and Pacific Rim, Latin America, and Russia may cause a decline in shoe sales. The flections of region currency and interest rate may pose a treat to earnings. Import and export regulations.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Letter to the Shareholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter to the Shareholders - Essay Example The emerging animal cruelty campaign has a great effect on the image of the company which translates to reduced revenues hence low shareholder returns. It is therefore important that urgent and strategic measures are accommodated by the entire shareholders’ fraternity in an effort to restore the firm. It should be noted that what happens is of significant concern as far as the future of the company is concerned. This could be noted from the shock response towards the public opinion and reactions towards the company’s crumbling image are real. However, there are alternative actions that the firm is working towards implementing to restore the glory of the company in stock market. Adoption of ethical practices that touches on animal cruelty policies will serve as key to regaining the bad organization image. Some of the changes that are important include immediate restructuring of entertainment policy which must capture the right of the whales to stress free life. There is a lease of life expected to spring back in the company after the top management made appropriate recommendations to be executed with immediate effect. AS a step towards reversing the negative publicity the company has got from the perceived animal cruelty, the shareholders are assured of immediate change of tact. It is in line with the moral obligation of the company and its esteemed shareholders to recognize the right of the whales. It is therefore important to reconcile efforts to maximize returns with the interest of the animals in question. For that reason, the company seeks to revitalize its policies on entertainment approach and adhere to rules and regulations that govern the interest of animals against harsh treatment. Should the recommended ideas be pursued, the image of the company will be restored, customer size will begin to rise and revenue will definite grow. Plans are in place to hold awareness campaign as a corporate social responsibility and

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Current Rise of Gang Related Homicides in South Los Angeles Essay - 2

The Current Rise of Gang Related Homicides in South Los Angeles - Essay Example The gang members were mostly at the age bracket of 16 years to 25 years. Seventy-three percent of gang members are in their school going age with 35 percent being school dropouts. Twelve percent had dropped out of school. The rate of homicide in Watt is relatively high in comparison to other areas of Los Angeles. There is an increase in the levels of homicides experienced in South LA from 18 in 2009, 21 in 2010, and 27 in 2011 (Street Gangs, 2014). One of the prominent features about these cases is that they occur along racial lines because the California state thrives in racial discrimination. Of the 10 cases reported in 2014, most of the victims of homicides were African-Americans. The main methods used in perpetrating these crimes include the use of guns and stabbing. The main reason for a high level of racial based homicides in South LA is that the gang members mostly belong to a particular race. The existence of such problems calls for policies that will curb the effects of drug trafficking and other hardcore crimes related to gang-related homicides. One such policy is an action that will prevent the children and the youth from joining the gangs, which ensures that the gangs fade away with time. This work explores the theoretical implementation approach of the policy by the California State Government. The youths and the children are of particular interest because the activities mostly affect them either directly or indirectly. Gang-related homicides bring along with them other issues, which are detrimental to the society. One such issue is the rise in school dropout related to the ability of gangs to attract college students who in most cases end up quitting their studies. A critical issue attached to gangs is a decline in general safety in the community. Rise in the levels of assaults, crimes and homicides perpetrated by gangs keep the community’s security at a vulnerable state. Gang activities limit freedom of

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Performance Appraisal System Essay Example for Free

Performance Appraisal System Essay Performance appraisal viewed as a key human resource practice for many organizations, is done to provide feedback to employees so that they can be able to improve on their performance. This practice has been under analysis and investigation by various researchers. The purpose of the study is to carry out an analysis on the performance appraisal systems of PSC Biotech and investigate the interactive effects of the appraisal system on the performance of the organization. Pharmaceutical Services Corporation, which has its headquarters in Pomona, California, has been providing professional consulting services for the last ten years. The Corporation is in the business of delivering state of the art Information Technology services and also validation, compliance services and industry specific products to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. It also provides expansive guidance and expertise in areas that include quality systems, computer and equipment validation, automated process systems (PSCBiotech, 2010). The IT consulting services designed to meet the needs of the manufacturing industry as well as the Clinical Research and Development industry. Examples of products designed by the company include Auditca, which is audit software that provides a flexible and interactive interface for auditors to edit and compose compliance deficiencies noted during an audit. Another product is the Audit Utopia, which is a management application that organizes the process of regulatory inspections. Pharmaceutical Services is also an authorized distributor of testing, laboratory equipment and supplies. Such products include particle counters, laboratory Autoclaves, Microbial samplers, sensors, fume hoods and Biosafety cabinets (PSCBiotech, 2010). PSC Biotech has the goal of being the industry leader in providing excellence in compliance and validation of products and services while at the same time maintaining competitive rates. PSC Biotech uses an appraisal system that mostly focused on the organization’s goals. The assessment system referred to as the SMART goal assessment system. This system focuses on the goals that an employee is meant to achieve when performing his job. The company uses this method of appraisal to weigh the duties of its employees by giving them clear and attainable benchmarks that have rewards for achievement. The term SMART in this context means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time framed goals (PSCBiotech, 2010). Specific goals need to have an explicit definition because goals that are have loosely been defined make it hard to know whether they have been achieved or not. An example of a loose goal is saying that every employee will train. This is general and it does not have a way of determining whether the training was achieved or not. A measurable goal is one that can be calculated to produce results. The goal has to be made with a vision of achieving results. Achievable goals need to be within reach for the employees to be able to attain them. They should also not be too difficult (PSCBiotech, 2010). Realistic goals are designed to match with the employees needs in regards to their duties. These goals should be set with the knowledge of whether the employees have the ability and experience that needed to achieve the set goals. Guidance and assistance, is also needed to provide help to employees who are unable to achieve their goals. Time framed goals are those that have an amount of time that has been set aside to achieve them. A period will give the goals a sense of structure and it will necessitate action on the part of the employee. It will also give them the motivation to get started on their goals (PSCBiotech, 2010). Although the company views goals as an important benchmark, it also considers employee competency as an important factor in determining performance when doing their duties. The core competencies account for fifty percent of an employee’s appraisal. The SMART goals are designed to ensure that employees perform their best, which is possible when they know what is expected from them. It is most preferable to an employee to know where their focus should lie and what their management directives and priorities are. This prevents doubt and misunderstandings about their work performance considered when it comes to determining a reward for their efforts. One benefit of the SMART goals is to give the employees notice of how the company weighs their duties and gives them clear and attainable benchmarks with clearly defined rewards for their achievements (PSCBiotech, 2010). Goal setting and feedback are key elements in the performance appraisal activities of organizations. The setting of goals and feedback on whether achieved is believed to affect the performance of employees positively by enhancing motivation that is necessary for work performance. The relationship between satisfaction with performance appraisal and employee outcomes will be mediated by motivation . Roberts and Reed (as cited by Kuvaas, 2006, p. 506) proposed that participation, goals and feedback influenced the appraisal process. In their studies, Locke and Latham found that although the relationship between goal setting and performance moderated by several factors, it has contributed to the employee has perceived investment in work development (as cited by Kuvaas, 2006, p. 505). The social comparison theory is significant to the research of performance appraisal methods, built on the assumption that people are driven to evaluate themselves. The theory implies that it may be more effective to the raters of job performance to compare an employee to other employees. This theory has the potential to inform on the development of performance appraisal processes because of comparative judgments of social stimuli on particular content dimensions (Goffin, Jelley, Powell Johnston, 2009, p. 252). Goffin, Gellatly, Paunonen, Jackson and Meyer (1996) developed a rating system that takes advantage of the social comparison theory without having to incur the problems that usually compound the comparative methods of appraisal. The relative percentile method provides the means of scaling rater’s relative judgments’ of the ratees to allow for a meaningful comparison of the ratings provided. The rating percentile method promotes the use of social comparisons by encouraging the simultaneous assessment of the ratees (Goffin et al, 2009, p. 253). Previous research on the percentile method of appraisal has shown the benefits of this method in two ways. In their studies of 1997, Wagner and Goffin (as cited by Goffin et al, 2009) demonstrated that the percentile method resulted in greater accuracy than the traditional absolute rating system of performance appraisal. The second study found that the percentile method had greater criterion-related validity when compared to the conventional absolute rating format. Carty and Goffin found that the percentile method was more advantageous in the context of letters of reference and they found it improved on the levels of accuracy in personality ratings (Goffin et al, 2009, p. 254). A performance appraisal method will not be viable if the ratees and the raters believe that it is unfair. Adam’s equity theory claims that individuals formulate fairness perceptions by comparing their perceived work outcomes or rewards to their perceived contributions or inputs. Employees therefore view appraisal systems as fair and ethical when they reflect the individual’s contributions (Narcisse Harcourt, 2008, p. 1153). Greenberg (as cited by Narcisse Harcourt, 2008) identified two factors that affect employee perceptions of performance appraisal and they are the perceived fairness of the appraisal system in relation to the employee’ performance and the perceived fairness of any appraisal that is related to pay increase or a promotion. In addition to the social theory’s practical importance, its application to performance appraisal contributes to the social cognition of employees within an organization by demonstrating that the social comparative process improves the reliability of the appraisals. Recommendations: The approach taken in the relative percentile method in which other ratees serve as benchmarks meant likely to heighten both availability and relevancy of performance appraisal systems. The method uses employees in similar positions to be able to facilitate a meaningful percentile of their responses. From previous studies, the percentile method has promoted the use of the social comparison theory by requiring the rater to consider the ratees simultaneously when making judgments based on performance. This method of parallel analysis of performance indicators is beneficial because the other ratees will serve as useful benchmarks through which the rater will be able to record accurately their ratings (Goffin et al, 2009). This method is different from the other conventional methods of performance rating where the ratee’ is considered individually. The serial processing of the ratees performance results might fail to take advantage of the natural social comparative processes, which explains the low validity of noncomparative ratings in studies where the comparative and non- comparative formats have been evaluated and compared with each other (Goffin et al, 2009). Having good performance appraisal systems is important as it will help in the development of employees and enable them to improve on their work performance. Performance appraisal methods used should have systems that ensure the process done is fair, ethical and clear way. The outcomes should also be relayed to the employees so that they can be able to know what areas of their work they can be able to improve on. References Narcisse, S. , Harcourt, M. (2008). Employee fairness perceptions of performance appraisal: a Saint Lucian case study. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(6), p. 1152-1169. doi:10. 1080/09585190802051451. Goffin, R. , Jelley, R. , Powell, D. , Johnston, N. (2009). Taking advantage of social comparisons in performance appraisal: The relative percentile method. Human Resource Management, 48(2), p. 251-268. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. Kuvaas, B. (2006). Performance appraisal satisfaction and employee outcomes: mediating and moderating roles of work motivation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(3), p. 504-522. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database. PSCBiotech (2010) Introduction to PSC, Retrieved 7 May 2010, from http://www. biotech. com/introPSC. php

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Looking for God :: Papers

Looking for God Where are you supposed to look for God? How are you to look for God, and does it help to decide what sort of thing you are looking for first? What kind of thing is God? Looking from the perspective of someone with no previous faith, looking for general revelation, I would have to say you have to perceive what you think is God-like first. If you ask the majority of people with a faith what God is like, they would probably say 'all good and all-powerful'. So are you looking for general signs of goodness, beauty, power and awe? If you are then you can rule out finding God in evil, ugliness, weakness and un-impressiveness. Or can you? I know that black isn't white, but people thought Hitler was 'good'; beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so an 'ugly' person to me might be stunningly 'beautiful' to someone else; the queen bee is supreme over mere drones, however it looks a bit pathetic in comparison to even simple humans; and David Beckham's match and free kick against Greece last year left thousands of footy fans awe-struck, yet my brother just couldn't see what the fuss was about. God is deeply personal, so will be found in different places for everyone. If you thought that 'The Miracle Of life' was completely un-earthly, and could only be explained with a super-human being, then I bet I could find half a dozen more that just think we are here accidentally. [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE]If you are solely looking for good, you can still find it in atrocities. In Sept. 11 you could find God in the 'power' and 'awe' of it all, but also in those brave people whose spirit never wavered, in those volunteers determined to help, in those fore-fighters who gave their life to save others, those selfless rescuers, counsellors, vicars, children. Osama tried to devastate American spirit and attitude as well as massacre, but he failed in crushing the love and goodness in people's heats and minds.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Perception Towards Successful Brand Essay

Rev. of â€Å"Building Brands Without Mass Media.† Joachimsthaler, Erich, and David A. Aaker. Harvard Business Review 3 March 2009: 4-6. Print. In this article, the authors emphasize that a company must have a clear brand identity with depth and texture so it will not convey confuse messages to customers. Also, they provide some marketing strategies for the brands to set up a clear and effective brand identity. Besides, they illustrate six companies that have a strong and clear brand identity in which The Body Shop and Haggen-Dazs are examined in detail. Apart from these, they use various examples to demonstrate the operations of The Body Shop and Haggen-Dazs. Last but not least, they have compared The Body Shop and Haggen-Dazs with their competitors. Lastly, they discuss the advertising methods of Haggen-Dazs in which they think the Farggi strategy that can confuse the customers the most. (Melanie) Hartman, Cathy L., and Caryn L. Beck-Dudley. â€Å"Marketing Strategies and the Search for Virtue: A Case Analysis of The Body Shop, International.† Journal of Business Ethics 20.3 (1999): 253-257. Print. In this journal, the authors use some historical examples to discuss three organizational virtues—excellence, integrity and judgment in which they think that the virtues are now defined and extended to community, membership and holism. Most importantly, they believe that the virtues are now widely applied in the companies. However, they agree with the researchers that it is difficult to theorize the concept of community. Besides, they use the founder of The Body Shop—Anita Roddick as the main example to illustrate the virtues can be utilized in a big company in multifarious aspects. (Melanie) Salver, Jessica. Brand Management in the Hotel Industry and its Potential for Achieving Customer Loyalty. Germany: GRIN Verlag, 2009. Print. In this book, the author mainly discusses some product requirements for a brand to become successful. Although it is not her intention to suggest that a brand will not become successful without the listed requirements, she examines numerous factors that can build up a successful brand in detail, such as high and differentiated demand for product class, the product is easy to identify and product quality is easy to maintain. Also, she has used The Body Shop and McDonald as the examples to explain her factors in detail. Besides, she believes that if the brand offers a reasonable price for the customers, they will certainly buy the products. Rev. of Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service. Moon, Youngme, and John Quelch. Harvard Business Review 10 July 2006: 3-4. Print. In this book, the authors have used Starbucks as an example to evaluate the value proposition and they use â€Å"live coffee† to describe the national coffee culture of it. Also, they use three components to illustrate the branding strategy of it. For example, it imports the best coffee beans from the world, develops a close intimacy with the customer and creates a good atmosphere. Besides, they discuss the locations of the Starbucks in which they are usually located in high-traffic and high-visibility places, such as commercial centers and universities. In addition, they investigate different products and the welfares of the employees in the Starbucks. Adubato, Steve. You Are the Brand. Canada: Rutgers University Press, 2011. Print. In this book, the author uses his personal experience to show Starbucks is not an accidental brand and it does not really keep a connection with customers. However, he agrees that Starbucks has built on â€Å"comfortable† and â€Å"familiar† for him in the end of the chapter. Besides, he believes Starbucks’ reputations are built on the word of mouth from the customers and excellent services from the employees. In addition, he has cited the book from the original chairman and CEO of Starbucks to demonstrate the objectives of the company and the reasons that it starts to lose customers. Lastly, although he laments the Starbucks has become more commercial, he still enjoys his leisure time in it.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Much Ado About Nothing many events dealing with gossip,...

Much Ado About Nothing many events dealing with gossip, perplexion, and rumors. In the 1993 film version, mainly emphasizes on the confusion that the characters have. In Shakespeare’s day, the â€Å"nothing† would have been pronounced as â€Å"noting† meaning gossiping. Claudio questions, â€Å"Didst thou note the daughter of Leonato?† to which Benedick responses, â€Å"I noted her not, but I looked on her.† He at that juncture initiates to sort jokes about her look. It is a stimulating argument since Claudio claims to have â€Å"noted† her, but has actually only seen her. Benedick recognizes the dissimilarity. Everybody can take in the shallow qualities at a glimpse. One cannot love another, enjoying the worthy establish in them, at a peek. Claudio, who†¦show more content†¦He notes Hero’s feedback to the custody of disloyalty and is thus influenced of the reality. He â€Å"plays God† by positioning for her passing, and Claudio resurrects her over his expense of espousing Hero’s cousin. Abundant of the play is stimulated along by characters overhearing on a discussion and also misinterpretation what they hear or being misled by gossip or by a trick. Hero, Claudio, and the rest hoax Benedick and Beatrice by locating them to listen to them about how they are madly in love with each other. Don John’s malicious gossip makes Claudio and Don Pedro distrustful that Hero is unfaithful. The window fraud, in which Borachio and the cloaked Margaret make love at Hero’s window, this scene is a confusion. In this situation, Claudio and Don Pedro are lurking and see this—they are being deceived. The window scene is similar to the trick played on Beatrice and Benedick, but with a completely different end. Alternatively trying to make two people try to fall in love with each other, it makes Claudio leave the poor Hero. At the end of the play, eavesdropping reestablishes direction. The men of the Watch, hearing Borachio boast about his delinquency to Conrad, capture him and carry him to righteousness. The production has a focal attention on the humor of Benedick and Beatrice. The performance has an uprising around the characters Claudio and Hero but with this film version, Benedick and Beatrice